Sunday, May 1, 2011

Rain, rain go away!

Rain, rain go away!  I'm sure everyone is feeling about the same way about the weather lately.  Luckily, Elle is well prepared thanks to Gigi.  

Elle in her rain boots!

We had a crazy hail storm last week. It was the third time in a week. I have never seen hail this size before!  Roads around us have been flooded and it's truly been crazy!

Nickel to quarter size hail on our sidewalk.

This is hail in our flower garden by the front door.

Here are some random pictures that I've taken this week while stuck in the house:

Elle loves her new linking rings!

I'm ready for nice weather so Elle can wear her summer clothes outside. She's growing so fast that if I don't put some of her outfits on then she'll never get a chance to wear them :( 

One of Elle's new things is grabbing her toes.

And putting them in her mouth. 

She's also been really happy and laughing a lot! We're having so much fun!  Parenthood just keeps getting better and better!

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