Friday, January 20, 2012

She's a climber!

Elle has been keeping us busy these days (that is an understatement :) She is one active little girl so there are no dull moments in our house!!!  She is constantly blowing kisses, throwing the ball for Derby, climbing on everything, and trying to open our gate to climb the stairs.  (which she can do.. all 11 steps)  She is also saying two word phrases which makes her Speech Therapist Momma happy.  She is saying "Set Go", "Thank you", and "All Done." Oh, and did I mention that she is climbing on EVERYTHING...

Of course she LOVES climbing in her new chair!  Thanks Aunt K for the cute outfit!

And she has learned how to get into the chair in her room!

Another one of her favorite things is chewing on her toothbrush.

And on top of the music table that Aunt G gave us!

She has even figured out how to scoot her stool across the floor so that she can reach inside her armoire.  Excuse the picture quality.  It was taken with my phone!

I guess she wanted to listen to some music!

Sometimes I just have to let her run around in her crib!

Here she is with a toothbrush again!

She also cries to go outside ALL the time so when it is warm enough, I let her play.

Yep, she's running! We LOVE our active little girl and are so thankful that she IS developing all these skills!  It may wear us out sometimes but that's OK. I see children on a daily bases who do not develop speech and motor skills easily.  I am so THANKFUL for our healthy and precious little girl!!! 

Thanks for checking in with us!


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